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2023-03-12 03:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Help: python . --help Data preprocessing: python . dataprep --help e.g python . dataprep --pathin --pathout --chext --proc --truth Training: python . train --help e.g python . predict --pathin testset3 --pathout test --ckpt 80.0 --nms 0.001 --obj 0.005 --video gif Prediction: python . predict --help e.g python . train --pathin trainset --datasplit 0.9 --ckpt 80.0 --ep 500\

Some Sources

YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement (paper) YOLOv3 PyTorch YOLOv3 PyTorch (detection) PyTorch Network Tranining Tutorial YOLOv3 Tensorflow YOLOv3 Tensorflow (alternative)\

FOLDER STRUCTURE . ├── ... ├── cfg # DarkNet config files ├── dataprep # LIBRARY: Preprocessing ├── dataset # DATASETS │ ├── `dataprep --pathin │ │ ├── chext # Images after channel extraction `dataprep --chext` │ │ ├── final # Network-ready images `dataprep --truth` │ │ └── proc # Images after `dataprep --proc` ├── raw # Raw dataset files (.h5) ├── results # PREDICTIONS │ ├── `predict --pathin ` │ │ └── pred # Images with predicted and true bbs ├── save │ └── checkpoints # Model checkpoints ├── yolo # LIBRARY: Object detection (train and predict) └── ... Documentation Network output params: (Batch x No of BBs x BB attributes) Batch Size: number of images fed as a batch (e.g 8) No of BBs: number of bounding boxes found for each image with full network config (e.g 10647 (usually)) BB attributes: (e.g 6) bb_dims (4) + obj_score (1) + class_scores (e.g 1 (number of objects)) TODO & NOTES Util (yolo.util) mAP (mean_average_precision()) mAP with NMS \ mAP \ mAP over epoch plot (plot_mAP()) Hyperparameters check RayTune Changes Required (temporal info)

Data loader (yolo.dataset)

Take sequence of images (instead of single image)

Model (yolo.darknet)

Add GRU layer Combine GRU output with current timestep features Add the new loss parameter

Network (cfg\yolov3micro.cfg)

Add/modify GRU layer Add/modify feedforward layer Combine layer (GRU output with current timestep features) ChangeLog

25.05.2021 - EB - Version 1.3.1

Working on plot_precision_recall() Implemented correctness() for TP/FP/FN calculations Implemented precision_recall() for cumulative TP and FP, precision and recall calculations

08.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.2

Images to avi Fixed multi bb ground truth Fixed folder structure to final version

07.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.1

Images to gif Animating results Small truth bb issue may be existing (on w, h translation (matplotlib to PIL?))

05.04.2021 - EB - Finalized dataprep

Fixed shuffling in yolo.dataset Default learning rate is reduced to 1e-5 from 1e-4 dataprep is stable python . dataprep --help

31.03.2021 - EB - Version 1.0

Added __main__ Check python . --help Example train run: python . train --lr 0.00001 --ep10 Example predict run: python . predict --cfg test --pathout test/results --ckpt 3.0 --obj 0.2 --nms 0.5 Example dataprep run: python . data Renamed custom.cfg as yolov3micro.cfg Removed class score (cls) from loss calculation as we have only 1 class Changed objectiveness (obj) loss calculation from MSELoss to BCELoss Objectiveness score loss calculation original uses binary cross entropy, we are using mean squared Fixed bb calculation/scale issue Total loss may be wrong (some inputs were skipping due to empty labels) On validation loss, keep history and add graphs yolo.util.plot_losses() Added some random image manipulations/transformations for training input Check the torchvision.transforms functionality Remove empty labelled data completely Moved and renamed to ./dataprep as Fixed functionality of batch prediction

25.03.2021 - EB - First version

Reintroducing class and class loss yolo.getDataLoaders(): dataset allocation for train/val or single set with random_seed parameter we can get the same shuffle everytime (useful for testing) Validation is now carried out right after each epoch Output pipeline Apply Non-Max Suppression Detection (a working version)

23.03.2021 - EB - custom network

Changed lr of optim.SGD() to 0.0001 Reduce the network Reduced number of layers from 106 to 52 (best we can do without reducing the YOLO layers) Computation time is reduced by ~1/3 Save the model and get weights for detection yolo.util.save_checkpoint(), yolo.util.load_checkpoint() (for training) yolo.darknet.load_weights() (for detections, still to be tested) Check if network output bounding box attributes are relative to the center of the prediction

18.03.2021 - EB - Learning

Filtering the empty labels with collate() at MmwaveDataset Removed 'class' score attribute from everywhere

17.03.2021 - EB - Filtering empty labels

Added new ./checkpoints folder for saving network training status Loss is returning 'nan' after 2nd or 3rd iteration

16.03.2021 - EB - Training

Label bounding box is fine now Label class format should be fixed Non-training seems to be working YOLOLoss(): Loss function NMSLayer(): Non-max suppression

05.03.2021 - EB

Working torch.autograd and loss.backward()

25.02.2021 - EB

Network training (a working version) Input pipeline Didn't remove classes after all. Now there is only 1 class (person) Need some work on the network to raise the performance

22.02.2021 - EB

Input doesn't match the parameter size for some reason Rest of the input pipelining is done!

16.02.2021 - EB not quite working at the moment, almost there bb are a part of the filename now Dataset shuffling for train and test sets

15.02.2021 - EB

Pre-proccessing should be done. Package dataprep is added. is the main data preparation file now.

15.01.2021 - EB

Working on which is the training module of the network. Added file which is used for input and output pipelining (taking input images, creating output images with bbs). Check arg_parse() function for input commands. Usage: python --images dog-cycle-car.png --det det

13.01.2021 - EB

Added Supporter class in "dataprep/". Bounding box calculation for ground truth data is label2bb() and a function for plotting with/without BB is plotRaw(). Didn't compile the file, it should work though.

07.04.2021 - EB - Version 1.1

Predictions to gif Animating results Small truth bb issue may be existing (on w, h translation (matplotlib to PIL?))

05.04.2021 - EB - Finalized dataprep

Fixed shuffling in yolo.dataset Default learning rate is reduced to 1e-5 from 1e-4 dataprep is stable python . dataprep --help

31.03.2021 - EB - Version 1.0

Added __main__ Check python . --help Example train run: python . train --lr 0.00001 --ep10 Example predict run: python . predict --cfg test --pathout test/results --ckpt 3.0 --obj 0.2 --nms 0.5 Example dataprep run: python . data Renamed custom.cfg as yolov3micro.cfg Removed class score (cls) from loss calculation as we have only 1 class Changed objectiveness (obj) loss calculation from MSELoss to BCELoss Objectiveness score loss calculation original uses binary cross entropy, we are using mean squared Fixed bb calculation/scale issue Total loss may be wrong (some inputs were skipping due to empty labels) On validation loss, keep history and add graphs yolo.util.plot_losses() Added some random image manipulations/transformations for training input Check the torchvision.transforms functionality Remove empty labelled data completely Moved and renamed to ./dataprep as Fixed functionality of batch prediction

24.03.2021 - EB

Reintroducing class and class loss yolo.getDataLoaders(): dataset allocation for train/val or single set with random_seed parameter we can get the same shuffle everytime (useful for testing) Validation is now carried out right after each epoch Output pipeline Apply Non-Max Suppression Detection (a working version)

21.03.2021 - EB

Changed lr of optim.SGD() to 0.0001 Reduce the network Reduced number of layers from 106 to 52 (best we can do without reducing the YOLO layers) Computation time is reduced by ~1/3 Save the model and get weights for detection yolo.util.save_checkpoint(), yolo.util.load_checkpoint() (for training) yolo.darknet.load_weights() (for detections, still to be tested) Check if network output bounding box attributes are relative to the center of the prediction

18.03.2021 - EB

Filtering the empty labels with collate() at MmwaveDataset Removed 'class' score attribute from everywhere

17.03.2021 - EB

Added new ./checkpoints folder for saving network training status Loss is returning 'nan' after 2nd or 3rd iteration

16.03.2021 - EB

Label bounding box is fine now Label class format should be fixed Non-training seems to be working YOLOLoss(): Loss function NMSLayer(): Non-max suppression

05.03.2021 - EB

Working torch.autograd and loss.backward()

25.02.2021 - EB

Network training (a working version) Input pipeline Didn't remove classes after all. Now there is only 1 class (person) Need some work on the network to raise the performance

22.02.2021 - EB

Input doesn't match the parameter size for some reason Rest of the input pipelining is done!

16.02.2021 - EB not quite working at the moment, almost there bb are a part of the filename now Dataset shuffling for train and test sets

15.02.2021 - EB

Pre-proccessing should be done. Package dataprep is added. is the main data preparation file now.

15.01.2021 - EB

Working on which is the training module of the network. Added file which is used for input and output pipelining (taking input images, creating output images with bbs). Check arg_parse() function for input commands. Usage: python --images dog-cycle-car.png --det det

13.01.2021 - EB

Added Supporter class in "dataprep/". Bounding box calculation for ground truth data is label2bb() and a function for plotting with/without BB is plotRaw(). Didn't compile the file, it should work though.






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